One Submit button for Multiple Text Entry Boxes?


Yesterday I published an article explaining in detail a use case that I worked out, based on the question of someone on the Captivate forums. Here is a link to the thread, because I think it is an interesting 'conversation'; this article is not an answer to the original question, so please scroll down in the long thread:


She wanted to create a slide with multiple Text Entry Boxes to be filled in by the user. The entry should be validated and only one correct entry possible, with multiple attempts allowed. But the sequence of the fields was to be chosen by the user, not imposed. And the use should be able to check at any moment if his entries were correct/incorrect, by using a unique Submit button. Only after having all entries correct, a button Continue should appear. If possible, the shortcut key TAB could be used to navigate between the text fields, as well as clicking in the text fields to start input.


You will be able to watch the result. But I did simplify a little bit:

  • I worked it out for only three Text Entry Boxes on the slide, but it can easily be extended to more of course.

  • The user can choose the sequence, but he has to click in the text field. Only then the sequence is not imposed. The principal reason is however that it is not possible to assign the same shortcut key to different objects on one slide as I explained in this blog post: Warning tip: shortcut keys. You cannot use TAB twice or more on the same slide as shortcut key.

  • There is a unique Submit button. The user can click it whenever he wants: after filling in 1, 2 or 3 Text Entry Boxes to get feedback.

  • I choose a symbol (correct/incorrect) as feedback. Those symbols can easily be replaced by Text Captions if wanted, work flow will be the same.

  • After validation of the three entries, a second button Continue appears that triggers (in my example) the action 'Go to Next slide'. But of course it is possible to trigger another action.

Published SWF

Watch this movie to check the functionality. It has 3 slides. On the Welcome slide you will find the correct entries for the Text Entry Boxes on the second slide. Try out the second slide: fill in text fields, click the Submit button to check input. Whenever a Text Entry box is validated, it will be disabled, you cannot change the entry anymore. When all entries are correct the Continue button appears that gets you to the last slide.
There is an extra button on the slide 'Show/Hide'. It is a copy of the toggle button, explained in a previous blog post, that will show/hide a text caption with the values of different user variables. This will normally not be done, but it shows how I do a debugging of an advanced actions by observing the way user variables are reacting to actions on the slide.


De tailed explanation of my work flow, for the user variables and advanced actions can be found in this article:
Multiple TEB's - one Submit
You will see, as a reaction to one of the last questions,that I created user variables to store the correct entries. That way the advanced action will be more easily be reused in other projects. My work flow, to save time and avoid typos was:
  • define the user variable and add the value (= correct entry)

  • copy the value to the clipboard

  • define the Text Entry Box, and paste the clipboard content as entry to be validated in the HUD

27 responses
Thank you! This will really come in handy for an upcoming project where I'll need to do just this sort of thing. I want to simulate someone filling out medical form based on a case study.
@SadieSaid Glad that this can help, do not hesitate to contact me if you have issues!
Hi Lilybiri! I love this article & have used this scenario in the past... I am trying to implement it again for a new project, but I'm using Captivate 4. I'm thinking the advanced actions aren't as sophisticated in this version? Is it possible to use this in v4? thanks...
@Monica I didn't try it out in CP4, but wouldn't say it isn't possible. Remembering I once helped a user out in CP4 with a similar problem, but didn't blog yet at that moment.
Well, I finally spent some time trying this out. I do have one problem and I wonder if you can help? It works correctly, but it scores correct no matter what I put in there. So somewhere along the way it's not seeing what the correct response should be. I'm not sure how to fix that?
I do not have a crystal ball, so it is really difficult to know what is going wrong in your file. Could you post the file somewhere ( and send me the link, perhaps by private message on the user forums?
Oops! Never mind I figured it out myself. For other newbies, here's what I did wrong.
1. I didn't attach the variable v_TEB1, etc to each text box
2. I didn't type in the correct answer as the value in the v_TB1Correct variables.

For newbies such as myself, I need beyond step by step! haha. But I feel good that I got it right, finally.

Thanks for this, Lieve.

Thank you. I figured it out and posted what I did wrong in case others have the same problems.

Noelle Tangredi
Educational Services
St. Joseph's Health Care London
(519) 646-6100, ext. 65461
This is awesome and extremely helpful! Thanks Lilybiri!
Would like to use this on a question type slide that show graphic ticks and X beside right and wrong answers. Is this possible?

Also would a Retry button be possible? i.e. click Retry to redo the TEB entries you got wrong. (the right answers, and correct ticks graphics stay the same). Is this possible? can you give some advice about how to do this?

Cap 5.5 (upgrading to 6 soon)

Yes, would be possible but it is way more complicated. Did you have a look at my posts about custom questions? For FIB I have a post using the extended TextArea widget (by Jim Leichliter),which you'll need anyway because for Retry you should have full control over what is shown in the widget. Ticks can also be put, I never explained it for question slides, you find an example in the post where I explain how to reuse a script by template. And are you sure the default question slides cannot be used for your purpose?
Hi Lieve, Thanks for indicating what i need to look at. I don't think i can use the default question types because i want to have multiple questions on the one slide (like a school test). Each question has a TEB to input the answer. e.g. What is the captial of France? TEB (Answer=Paris)
Hello I just cant seem to get it to work, is there any way that I can get to see the Captivate file somehow, so I can figure out where Im going wrong?
I'm sorry, I do not offer free files unless specified. Moreover this is a very old post created with Captivate 5.5. It wouldn't be possible to open in a more recent version?.
I know this is an ancient post, but I'm creating a variation of the steps found in the "detailed steps" article linked here and encountering difficulty. I'm wondering how the various elements are distributed on the timeline (whether stacked on top of each other or distributed over a time period) because I don't understand why there is no longer pausing when the Decision v_counter is reached and thus the need for Assign cpCmndGotoFrame with cpInfoCurrentFrame. What's keeping things paused previously? The TEBs?
Very old post. A TEB has always a pausing point. I'm busy writing a sequence of articles about the Timeline's secrets because a lot of users seem not to get to grips with it. First two articles are published recently, the third will be published tomorrow and I'm busy with the fourth, which will explain very detailed use of pauses. Last one will be about color coding and shortcut keys in Timelines.
Thank you for writing those articles. In your demonstration, in this article, it appears as if every element is stacked on top of each other, judging from how the Playbar stops only once. I can't figure out why my hidden objects, when triggered to appear by the Action on my Submit button, only appear half way, as if they were caught by an object's pause before they could finish appearing.
I mostly have all TEB's starting at the same time and pausing at the same time, which is by default (can be changed) at 1.5secs after the start of the timeline.
I also stacked everything at the start of the timeline, at their default size of 1.5 seconds, which is why I'm stumped why my hidden objects only half appear, as if the pause was mid-way through them instead of at the end.
Please come to the forum, where you can post screenshots. Too difficult in the comments on a blog post. I'm always on the forums when I'm awake.
I know this is old, but still helpful for version 2017. Do you know if it's possible to limit tries to three wrong answers and then move on to the next page? I tried to add my own variable and do this but couldn't get it to work.
A lot of my posts are amazingly still useful, didn't expect them to be. Can you go to the Adobe forums, will be easier to explain. I'm always around there....
Exactly what I was looking for today! Thanks, Lilybiri.
You're welcome, pretty old post but seems still to be useful.
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