An upgraded post, which takes advantage of the new features in more recent versions, have been posted. Check it out:
Intermeidate Score Slides in 2020
Even in Captivate 6 only one quiz per file is possible, although you can have a pretest as well in the same fle. A question that often appears on the forum like the one in this thread: "...I'm adding a quiz for each of the individual sections within a file (3 in total). I'd like for the user to see how well they've done in each section, but there is only one score page in my project and it only comes up when the quiz has been completed".
In this post I'll try to explain a possible solution, with custom score slides after each section similar to the default score slide that pops up after the last question slide of the file. Have first a look at the example movie to see the result.
You'll find three sections with only a quiz in this example: Geography, Politics, General (subject = Belgium). Of course, normally you'd have also content slides in those sections but I suspect that regular readers of my blog do not need those any more. You can take the quizzes in any order. When you have finished all quizzes, a button will appear that will navigate you to the Total Score slide, which is the default Score slide. I think my custom score slides are prettier :-)
You have seen this sequence of slides:
- Slide Intro with Continue (Shape) button
- Slide Choice where you can choose the subject (3 shape buttons with simple Jump to actions); after a quiz the user is navigated back to this slide and completed quizzes are marked; when all quizzes are done the (shape) button Total Score (Jump to last slide) appears on this slide;
- Slide Group Geography: with 3 Question slides (Q1_Geo, Q2_Geo, Q3_Geo) and a slide GeoScore; maximum possible score = 10p
- Slide Group Politics: with 3 Question slides (Q1_Pol, Q2_Pol, Q3_Pol) and a slide PolScore; maximum possible score = 15p
- Slide Group General: with 4 Question slides (Q1_Gnrl, Q2_Gnrl, Q3_Gnrl, Q4_Gnrl) and a slide GnrlScore; maximum possible score = 20p
- Slide TotalScore
To keep track of the score and the number of correctly answered questions for the partial quizzes, I created user variables. The percentage is calculated and stored in another variable. In the example those variables are shown only on the intermediate Score slides, but if wanted a summary can be offered at the end, showing the results for all sections.
Since there are 3 sections, I have 3 trios of variables, none has a default value to start with:
- v_geoscore, v_geoqst, v_geoperc will store values of score/correct questions/percentage for the Geography quiz
- v_polscore, v_polqst, v_polperc will store values of score/correct questions/percentage for the Politics quiz
- v_gnrlscore, v_gnrlqst, v_gnrlperc will store values of score/correct questions/percentage for the General quiz
Another variable v_null (empty variable) was used to check if a Quiz had a result to mark the Quizzes as done in the second slide Choice, and eventually present the button to advanced to the Total Score.
Advanced Actions
With this article I focus first on the intermediate score slides. I didn't calculate the maximum possible score, nor the total number of questions, but just typed them in.
To populate the defined variables (score, number correct questions, percentage) I used the Quizzing system variable cpQuizInfoLastSlidePointScored. This variable is reused after each slide, so I can only get use it immediately after each question slide. That is the reason for the advanced action, triggered on entering the question slides, starting with the second question slide. The action is the same for all question slides in a section. Here is an example for the section Geography:
Conditional advanced action Ent_Q_Geo
This action is triggered On Enter for slides Q2_Geo (for the first question slide) and Q3_Geo (for the second question slide).
For the groups Politics and General a similar action has to be created. It will be applied to all question slides except the first of the section.
Conditional advanced action Ent_Q_Geo
To add the result of the last question slide, I used an On Enter action for the score slide, that is different because it has also to calculate the percentage to be shown (v_geoperc) and to show the proper text caption for Success/Failure.
This action has two decisions:
QPrevCorrect: has the same statements as Ent_Q_Geo plus the statements to calculate the percentage. As mentioned I did type in the maximum possible score (10, 15 or 20 for the 3 quizzes).
Passed?: shows the proper text (used a smart shape as text container), based on the result.
This article did focus on how to create intermediate score slides. I will not explain in detail the work flow I used for the choice slide to mark the visited quizzes, which was done with another conditional action. I used also the new discovered functionality that you can have two smart shape buttons in an exact same location and switch between them (see toggle shape buttons)