New Captivate 12 and AI/ChatGPT/Copilot


Whenever possible I use AI when I expect to save time. Not being a native English speaker, and maintaining a blog where I often publish live examples of Captivate’s output, it helps me designing text-based content for those examples while providing some keywords. In Photoshop and Illustrator I always have been enjoying the AI-based workflows. I love Adobe Express for features like creating a speaking avatar based on written text, and Firefly for graphics.


More recently everyone has heard about ChatGPT, and is using one or more engines to find more elaborate answers to questions than is possible with old Google.

I often chat with Copilot in Edge. I write this short post to express a warning. I have tried out other engines based on ChatGPT but I like the fact that the answers here offer the URLs of the used resources. Although you may have to offer specifications to get the answer you want, some chatting will provide what you want …. EXCEPT in case of a drastic makeover like what happens with the change from previous Captivate Classic to the present New Captivate, now in version 12.2. In many cases you’ll get a wrong answer because the resource database available world wide for this new version is very small. Copilot will often find only support resources for previous versions and will base answers on them. If you don’t see the URLs to check, this is very confusing and misleading. Here are two examples I checked out for this blog post. I mentioned explicitly the version number as context in the question.  I post the examples in the sequence I used. As expected (look at the second answer) the agent being AI it learned from its first big error.  


Question 1: Does Adobe Captivate version 12 have text to speech?

This is a screenshot of the first answer. But this is the completely outdated answer you would have gotten:

Of course I knew that this feature was not available at all. There are not even Slide Notes, and NeoSpeech died.

The used resources were all official: Adobe Captivate forum, eLearning community and the official Help documentation. 

After some re-education (my bad…) through chat a more appropriate answer was given.  I asked than for another question and learned that the re-education was not adequate.

Question Two: How to use Bookmarks in Captivate 12.2?

I have been posting blog posts about this topic, so it would clarify how up to date Copilot's database is. FYI: my blog is amongst their resources. Just try to ask anything about the now lost Shared Actions in former versions.

Answer below probably due to my 're-education'?:

Copilot still apologizes for the first wrong answer, but apparently is still confused about the version numbers and now tells me that this is another missing feature. Whereas I already posted three blog posts explicitly about Bookmarks in New Captivate (one is waiting for moderation here as well since weeks).  So, I continued the re-education, sent two URLs for two posts. Result is still bit annoying, because there are still some links to the official documents about older versions where bookmarks as frame navigation are limited to video slides only:

This happened after my detailed explanation about the changes with bookmarks from Captivate Classic to New Captivate. Only then a full search has seemed to happen.


Careful with answers from ChatGPT about software problems, especially with a new version like Captivate. When I was a student, I always preferred professors who did freely tell not to be able to answer immediately, but would be looking it up. ChatGPT too often proclaims to know an answer to every question, which is clearly not the case.

What is your opinion?

2 responses
Thanks for the post (I just subscribed) . . . AI has been really helpful for me too, Firefly especially amazed me when it came out . . . it often serves me like a graphics intern producing small icons for me while I work on the interactivity/content of a Captivate course, that would have taken me days to generate! I think how great it is, then I think 'uh-oh, it'll only get better . . . and then I go the way of the human intern as well!' It's helpful and amazing, but scary. Makes me happy I'll likely be retiring when it gets good enough to replace me. Maybe sooner *yikes*
To be honest, I find the cocky affirmative statements behind AI chat tools (Copilot specifically), much like talking to men when you ask a question about how to do something or how something works. It doesn't like to say "I don't know" and will just spew forth an answer uber-confidently as though it's the facts. Then you call it on what you know to be true, and it tries to back-peddle . . . 😂 (at least AI apologizes for the mistakes and assumptions)